Showcases is a women owned company that has been serving school, church, military, university and public libraries across the nation for over three decades. For many years we have specialized in the finest audiovisual packaging available.
Recently we’ve expanded beyond our audiovisual packaging to become a one-stop shop for all your needs.
“From thumbtacks to book racks, and everything in between, we’ve got it all!”
Check us out – over 41,000 new products and more to come.
Our team is dedicated to providing quality products and superior customer service. We have a passion for saving you time and money.
Drew, the founding Mother of Showcases, discovered unabridged audiobooks before the market was aware they existed. She began selling audiobooks and the vinyl album protective packaging to Libraries in 1987 and then expanded into providing everything a Library could need. She began the Showcases legacy to provide the very best supplies, and even more importantly, the very best customer service to the many librarians we have as loyal customers in our 38 years in business. Drew is a true entrepreneur, always thinking outside the box and is three steps ahead of the rest of us when it comes to having great ideas. Her amazing intellect has led Showcases forward. Her life experiences, just to name a few, have been Private Pilot, Real Estate Agent, Insurance Agent, Publisher and Editor of her own Resort Magazine. She is well traveled and can entertain anyone with her exciting stories and young at heart manner. She is now enjoying a much deserved retirement as Showcases still continues to provide the same wonderful products and service that you all appreciate.
Rose is the undisputed Queen of Showcases and is treasured as such. She enjoys all of the different personalities of her team and always looks forward to adding new libraries to the Showcases Family. Excellence and kindness are her most prevalent goals for everyone and everything, making her a benevolent monarch with high expectations. Her direct and assertive personality shakes things up at the office and keeps us all ready for change at a moment’s notice. Making sure the team attitude never gets stale, she laughs, jokes, pokes, plays and pushes the team toward excellence. Rose has made it her mission to keep the big boys in check with her endless commitment to integrity for our customers, products and services. Give us a call anytime; let us know if her mission has been successful!
April is a part of the sales team and also works behind the scenes (the sales team secretly fights for her to join them). She has been brightening our days since June 2008 and the office would be bleak without her. Originally from Ohio, she now lives in Florida with her daughter. She has more nicknames than anyone in the office, but each one comes with a reason. She is sweet, friendly, funny and always ready to help in any way she can. She gets blamed for every crazy thing that happens in the office, whether she has anything to do with it or not. She smiles and goes with the flow, which is sometimes necessary…especially when working with a group of quirky people. If you want a friendly personal touch, speak with April and see if you then have your own nickname for her, she seems to collect them after all. Oh, and her favorite word is “moot”, so if you happen to speak to her on the phone be sure to slip it into your conversation.
Barbara has been taking care of the Showcases family from the beginning. If Monica is our mommy… then Barbara is our fairy godmother, as such she keeps behind the scenes until she is needed. She can be known as Ms. Fix-It, but we all know she is the magician of the office. She can fix it, charm it, package it, love it or debate it into submission, no matter what it is! We have not caught her yet, but we are sure we will walk into the office one day and her secrets will be revealed. Her ability to know what is coming next and already have a solution has made her an invaluable member of the Showcases family. We are not quite sure what we would do without her, but maybe she will share her secrets one day. If you are having a problem and something important needs to be decided, Barbara will save your day!
Dorothy joined the Showcases Family in January of 2015. She quickly became a beloved member with her ability to get along with pretty much anyone, and of course her frequent offerings of baked goods may have also helped…. As a first time Grandma in 2015 (Not counting her first Grandbunny) she loves to show off pictures/videos of her favorite little guy. Dorothy and her long time husband enjoy both of their wonderful sons and one fantastic daughter in law anytime they can, though they don’t live very close. Originally from Nebraska and then Texas, she has now accepted Florida as her home and loves the beautiful warm weather. Dorothy enjoys reading, biking, walking, shopping and of course….baking! Everyone is sure she does something extra to make her brownies so great…we just can’t figure it out, so make sure to ask when you talk to her and maybe you can discover the secret!
Monica is the behind the scenes mommy of the office. She has been with Showcases since May 2002 and everyone jokes that she knows everything…no really, she does…sometimes being eerily omniscient. She keeps us all going with her positive, happy attitude and rescues the office often with her problem solving skills. She is married to our very own David and has two amazing little boys. She is nice enough to share the boys in her life with the office, although some of us often contemplate running away with the kids. We refrain ourselves of course, because we could never do what she does every day. If you ever need a cheerful person, able to solve the toughest situation, Monica is the one you need. Just make sure you give her back when you are done, we need her.
In loving memory of our dear Suzi who brought happiness and hugs to Showcases for over 15 years. She continued to work long after her retirement years because she just loved the people. The office was brighter with her in it and she will be forever in our hearts and minds. Monica
A woman with a generous soul and a ready smile, Ms. Suzi holds a special place in our hearts. She shared laughter and tears with us in our brightest or darkest moments and brought a little more warmth into our lives. The world has lost a precious part of its glow, though we will keep her light alive in our memories. Jennifer
Most people in the office called her Suzi but I called her Miss Daisy. I will never forget that car ride on our way to a Christmas party for work when I came up with that name. She was like a grandma to me and I felt like she took me under her wing and always ready to listen. My favorite day of the week was whenever she was working. She had a love for cats and helping others. Her smile was contagious and it was hard to be in a bad mood around her. Her picture is hanging up at my desk and I think about and miss her every day. April
A friend from the first day I met her and every day until she left us too soon. She was a woman of conviction and always had my back. She had this incredible power by just being Suzi, who always had the gift of exuding the feeling of peace, tranquility and safety even in difficult times. I think of her every single day and I miss her something awful. I consider myself very lucky to have met her and enjoyed the years I called Suzi my friend. Rose