


Ready-To-Use Glass Cleaner With Scotchgard, Apple Scent, 32oz Spray Bottle

  • Brand: 3M
  • Product Type: GLASS CLEANERS
  • Manufacturer: 3M/COMMERCIAL TAPE DIV.

Product Description

Hardworking glass cleaner and protector with Scotchgard™ not only cleans, but it also makes glass easier to clean over time. Thorough cleaner works like a heavy-duty glass cleaner without the use of high levels of solvent or ammonia. Cleans and protects glass and other silica-based surfaces like uncoated granite, ceramic and porcelain. Repeated usage creates a layer of Scotchgard™ protection that makes it more effective than leading glass cleaners at removing fingerprints, lipstick—even permanent marker. Glass cleaner and protector is fast drying and streak free. Excellent for a variety of surfaces–cleans but may not protect other surfaces such as stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, plastic, acrylic glass, and more. Use this cleaner to keep your glass looking clean longer. Available in convenient ready-to-use quarts.